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Principal Investigators

MEET Gina Yannitell Reinhardt


Dr. Gina Yannitell Reinhardt recently joined the Department of Government at the University of Essex. She studies how citizens and policy makers make decisions under uncertainty, and how those decisions affect economic, social, and political development and subsequent policy outcomes. She focuses specifically on foreign aid, international development, and disasters, asking how development financing can be judiciously allocated to help avert, alleviate, mitigate, and manage disasters.


Gina is beginning her Disaster, Development, and Finance Initiative at the University of Essex. Supported by the British Academy and the European Social Research Council, this initiative represents an attempt to disentangle the relationship between development interventions and disasters in an effort to help save lives. Her work can be found in journals such as World Development, Political Analysis, Political Research Quarterly, the Journal of Risk Research, and the Review of Policy Research



For more information, please visit: 


Dr. Reinhardt's University of Essex Profile 
Dr. Reinhardt's Website 


MEET Kim Yi Dionne


Kim Yi Dionne teaches courses on African politics, ethnic politics, and field research methods. Her research interests include: political behavior and public opinion, health, ethnicity, and research methods. The substantive focus of her work is on the opinions of ordinary Africans toward interventions aimed at improving their condition and the relative success of such interventions. Her work has been published in African Affairs, Comparative Political Studies and World Development.


Dionne received her bachelors degree in political science from the University of California Los Angeles and her doctorate from the University of California Los Angeles. She was previously a Fulbright Scholar in Malawi (2008-09) and assistant professor of political science at Texas A&M University (2010-13).






For more information, please visit: 


Dr. Dionne's Smith College Profile
Dr. Dionne's Website

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